Light Blue Swarovski crystal is associated with creativity and communication with other people. These crystals may aid in relieving migraines and earaches. Interestingly, these crystals will also reduce fevers and ease many of the discomforts associated with high blood pressure. Blue Crystals exhibit the coolest color. Blue is the color of the sky and of the ocean. It’s also the color of sleep and the color of twilight. It’s the color of sincerity, inspiration, and spirituality. It’s calming as much as it is conservative. This makes it a wonderful color for different stones and crystals. Blue Crystals will have different kinds of effects on you. There are Blue Crystals that you can wear to feel calm and be subtle, and there are also Blue Crystals that you can use to heighten your psychic abilities. It will enhance your intuitive abilities, spark your inspiration, and show you how you can become more honest and sincere.

Light blue crystals like Blue Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, and Aquamarine are associated with your creativity and communication with other people.

Blue Crystals will also give you stability, security, and safety when you’re embarking on a long journey or moving to a different location.

When combined with certain colors in the red-orange spectrum, blue crystals can awaken your artistic expression and spark your inspiration, especially Blue Topaz.